weather toronto ontario canada
Current Weather in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Today’s Weather:
- Temperature: Currently 62°F (16.6°C), feeling like 61°F (16.1°C)
- Conditions: Cloudy
- Wind: 11 mph
- Humidity: 59%
- UV Index: Moderate (3)
- Sunrise: 5:35 AM
- Sunset: 8:58 PM
Hourly Forecast:
- 4 AM: Partly cloudy, 10°C
- 7 AM: A mix of sun and cloud, 11°C
- 10 AM: A mix of sun and cloud, 15°C
- 1 PM: A mix of sun and cloud, 19°C
- 4 PM: A mix of sun and cloud, 20°C
7-Day Forecast:
- Tuesday, June 11: Broken clouds, High 66°F (18.8°C), Low 52°F (11.1°C)
- Wednesday, June 12: Mostly cloudy, High 70°F (21.1°C), Low 54°F (12.2°C)
- Thursday, June 13: Cloudy with late showers, High 76°F (24.4°C), Low 60°F (15.5°C)
- Friday, June 14: Rain showers, High 69°F (20.5°C), Low 62°F (16.6°C)
- Saturday, June 15: Scattered clouds, High 72°F (22.2°C), Low 60°F (15.5°C)
- Sunday, June 16: Morning clouds, High 71°F (21.6°C), Low 58°F (14.4°C)
Additional Information
The weather in Toronto is characterized by moderate humidity and variable conditions over the next few days, with a mix of sun, clouds, and occasional showers expected. The UV index will generally be moderate, but it will be high on some days, so sun protection is advisable.
For more detailed and updated information, you can check the following resources:
- The Weather Network【26†source】
- Environment Canada【27†source】【28†source】
- Time and Date【29†source】
These sites offer comprehensive forecasts, historical weather data, and additional details to help you plan your day effectively.